Level 1
Are you afraid of spiders? This news is about old spiders. These spiders lived 410 million years ago.
Scientists study their fossils. They know how the spiders moved. They know the spiders’ bodies and They use this information. A computer programme makes a video. It shows how the spiders walked.
These old spiders ate insects. Today’s spiders are the old spiders’ “children”.
Source: newsinlevels.com
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1)Spider-noun /ˈspaɪ.dɚ/–
2) Old-adjective /əʊld/ – having lived or existed for many years:
an old man
We’re all getting older.
I was shocked by how old he looked.
Now come on, you’re old enough to tie your own shoelaces, Carlos.
I’m too old to be out in the clubs every night.
a beautiful old farm house in the country
That’s an old joke – I’ve heard it about a thousand times.
I think this cheese is old, judging by the smell of it.
3) Afraid-adjective /əˈfreɪd/, or feeling worry about the possible results of a particular situation:
I’ve always been afraid of flying/heights/spiders.
She was afraid for her children (= feared that they might be hurt).
Don’t be afraid to say what you think.
She was afraid (that) he might be upset if she told him.
4) News-noun /njuːz/ – information or reports about recent events:
That’s the best (piece of) news I’ve heard for a long time!
We’ve had no news of them since they left for Australia.
Have you heard the news about Tina and Tom? They’re getting divorced.
I can’t wait to hear all your news.
The news that Dan had resigned took everyone by surprise.
We have some good news for you. We’re getting married.
5) About-preposition /əˈbaʊt/-on the subject of, or connected with:
What’s that book about?
a film about the Spanish Civil War
We were talking/laughing about Sophie.
He’s always going on about what a great job he has.
I really don’t know what all the fuss is about.
I wish you’d do something about (= take action to solve the problem of) your bedroom – it’s a real mess.
What didn’t you like about the play?
There’s something about her attitude that worries me.
There’s something special about him (= in his character).
“Is that your car?” “Yes, what about it?” (= Why are you asking me?)
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6) Live-verb /lɪv/- (to continue) to be alive or have life:
He only lived a few days after the accident.
I hope I live to see my grandchildren.
Her granny lived to the ripe old age of 94.
Can the right to live ever be denied to any human?
She lived on well into her 90s.
Mrs Jones is failing fast, and the doctor doesn’t think she’ll live much longer.
Few people live beyond the age of a hundred.
The study found that men who were married lived longer than those who were not.
All animals have to eat in order to live.
Her joy at the birth of her son was tinged with sadness that her father had not lived to see him.
7) Year-noun /jɪər/-a period of twelve months, especially from January 1 to December 31:
Annette worked in Italy for two years.
2005 was one of the worst years of my life.
We went to Hawaii on vacation last year.
At this time of year the beaches are almost deserted.
This species keeps its leaves all year (round) (= through the year).
8) Ago-adverb /əˈɡəʊ/- back in time from the present:
He left the house over an hour ago.
The dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago.
Long ago/A long time ago, there lived a girl called Cinderella.
Electrical goods are almost double the price they were a few years ago.
“Where’s my pen? It was on my desk a minute ago.”
Twelve thousand years ago, our ancestors were primitive savages living in caves.
We made the booking three months ago.
It all happened so long ago that it’s just a blur to me now.
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9) Scientist-noun /ˈsaɪən.tɪst/- an expert who studies or works in one of the sciences:
a forensic scientist
social scientists
a team of scientists from the University of Miami
A couple of decades ago scientists noticed Panama’s climate was slowly growing drier.
There are scientists who say that the results of the research are flawed.
10) Study-verb /ˈstʌd.i/ – to learn about a subject, especially in an educational class or by reading books:
Next semester we will study plants and how they grow.
She’s been studying for her doctorate for three years already.
11) Fossil-noun /ˈfɒs.əl/-
12) Know-verb /nəʊ/- to have information in your mind:
“Where did he go?” “I don’t know.”
“What does it cost?” “Ask Kate. She’ll know.”
She knows the name of every kid in the school.
I don’t know anything about this.
We don’t know when he’s arriving.
I don’t know (= understand) what all the fuss is about.
I just knew (that) it was going to be a disaster.
She knew (= was aware) (that) something was wrong.
Even small amounts of these substances are known to cause skin problems.
13) how-adverb /haʊ/-in what way, or by what methods:
How do we get to the town from here?
How do you plan to spend your vacation?
Roz doesn’t know how to ride a bicycle.
It all depends on how you look at it.
How did you hear about the concert?
I don’t care about fashion, I dress how I please.
I was horrified to hear about how (= the way) she had been treated.
How can/could he be so stupid?
I don’t know how anyone could think that way.
14) Move-verb /muːv/- to (cause to) change position:
I’m so cold I can’t move my fingers.
Will you help me move this table to the back room?
Can we move (= change the time of) the meeting from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.?
Don’t move! Stay right where you are.
I thought I could hear someone moving around upstairs.
If you move along/over/up (= go farther to the side, back, or front) a little, Tess can sit next to me.
Police officers at the scene of the accident were asking people to move along/on (= to go to a different place).
Come on, it’s time we were moving (= time for us to leave).
Let’s stay here tonight, then move on (= continue our trip) tomorrow morning.
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15) Body-noun /ˈbɒd.i/-the whole physical structure that forms a person or animal:
A good diet and plenty of exercise will help you to keep your body healthy.
She rubbed sunscreen over her entire body.
16) Information-noun /ˌɪn.fəˈmeɪ.ʃən/- facts about a situation, person, event, etc.:
Do you have any information about/on train times?
I read an interesting bit/piece of information in the newspaper.
For further information (= if you want to know more), please contact your local library.
We have reliable information that a strike is planned next month.
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17) Show-verb /ʃəʊ/- to make it possible for something to be seen:
Let me show you this new book I’ve just bought.
On this map, urban areas are shown in gray.
You ought to show that rash to your doctor.
Why won’t you show me what’s in your hand?
The secretly filmed video shows the prince and princess kissing.
These photographs show the effects of the chemical on the trees.
He began to show signs of recovery.
“This is a Victorian gold coin.” “Is it? Show me (= allow me to see it).”
18) Walk-verb /wɔːk/- to move along by putting one foot in front of the other, allowing each foot to touch the ground before lifting the next:
I walked home.
A cat was walking along the top of the fence.
He walks two miles to work every morning.
19) Insect-noun /ˈɪn.sekt/-a type of very small animal with six legs, a body divided into three parts and usually two pairs of wings, or, more generally, any similar very small animal:
Ants, beetles, butterflies, and flies are all insects.
I have some sort of insect bite on my leg.Some treesexude from theirbark a sap that repels insect parasites.
Why did you stamp on that insect?
Outside the tent I could hear the constant drone of insects.
The spider preys on small flies and other insects.
Old spiders–level 2
Old spiders–level 2
If you are afraid of spiders, this news might scare you, a little… Scientists brought ancient spiders back to life by using 3D graphics.
The scientists studied fossils and worked out how the spiders moved. A special computer programme then created a video of the spiders. You can see how the spiders walked.
These spiders lived on Earth 410 million years ago, and they hunted insects. Today’s spiders developed from them.
Source: newsinlevels.com
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Short stories to read and discuss pdf level 1-level 2-level 3
1) Might-modal verb /maɪt/- past simple of the verb may, used especially when reporting what someone has said, thought, asked, etc.:
I brought him some sandwiches because I thought he might be hungry.
Very politely the little boy asked if he might have another piece of cake (= he said “May I have another piece of cake, please?”).
“I thought you might have helped, ” she replied peevishly.
He wrote to me last week regarding a business proposition he thought might interest me.
Jan hasn’t got a ticket but I thought we might sneak her in.
I suggested that a cup of tea might settle her stomach.
I’ve brought with me an article from yesterday’s paper that I thought might amuse you.
2) Scare-verb /sker/- to (make a person or animal) feel frightened:
Sudden noises scare her.
She’s very brave – she doesn’t scare easily.
He scared me out of my wits (= made me extremely frightened) by driving so fast.
Meeting new people scares me stiff/to death (= makes me extremely nervous and worried).
She scared the hell/life/living daylights out of me (= frightened me very much) when she fell out of the tree.
3) Bring-verb /brɪŋ/- to take or carry someone or something to a place or a person, or in the direction of the person speaking:
“Shall I bring anything to the party?” “Oh, just a bottle.”
Bring me that knife/Bring that knife to me.
Can you help me bring in the shopping (= take it into the house)?
The police brought several men in for questioning (= took them to the police station because they might have been involved in a crime).
When they visit us they always bring their dog with them.
4) Ancient-adjective /ˈeɪn.ʃənt/-of or from a long time ago, having lasted for a very long time:
ancient civilizations/rights/laws
ancient monuments/ruins/woodlands
the ancient kingdoms of Mexico
People have lived in this valley since ancient times.
History, ancient and modern, has taught these people an intense distrust of their neighbours.
5) Developed-adjective /dɪˈvel.əpt /- developed country has had modern industry,transport, etc. for some time and now bases much of its economy on services:
In developed countries, blood pressure tends to go up dramatically with age.
Job insecurity seems to be increasing across most of Western Europe, the United States and other parts of the developed world.
less developed nations
Old spiders–level 3
Old spiders–level 3
If you’ve got a fear of spiders, look away now, as scientists have brought ancient spiders back to life using 3D graphics.
Using well-preserved fossils, researchers from the University of Manchester and a museum in Berlin worked out how the extinct early relative of spiders would have moved.
The spider-like creatures, known as Trigonotarbid, would have lived 410 million years ago. They were some of the first predators to dominate on land, meaning they would have been at the top of the food chain.
Scientists who studied the ancient fossils were able to see their leg joints and work out a range of motion in the limbs. Researchers used an open-source computer graphic program to create the video showing how the creatures walked.
They reckon the spiders’ prey would have been early flightless insects and say they would vomit digsted enzymes on their prey and then suck up the liquid as food. Nice.
Source: newsinlevels.com
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1) Fear-noun/fɪr/- an unpleasant emotion or thought that you have when you are frightened or worried by something dangerous, painful, or bad that is happening or might happen:
Trembling with fear, she handed over the money to the gunman.
Even when the waves grew big, the boy showed no (signs of) fear.
I have a fear of heights.
The low profit figures simply confirmed my worst fears.
There are fears that the disease will spread to other countries.
2) Researcher-noun /rɪˈsɝː.tʃɚ/-someone who studies a subject, especially in order to discover new information or reach a new understanding:
a television/political researcher
She’s a researcher on a women’s magazine.
He hopes to carve out a niche for himself as a leading researcher in his field of study.
This book is an indispensable resource for researchers.
Finding a cure for cancer is one of the biggest challenges facing medical researchers.
The researchers surveyed the attitudes of 2500 college students.
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3) Extinct-adjective /ɪkˈstɪŋkt/-not now existing:
There is concern that the giant panda will soon become extinct.
Many tribes became extinct when they came into contact with Western illnesses.
A lot of trades have become extinct because of the development of technology.
4) Predator-noun /ˈpred.ə.t̬ɚ/-an animal that hunts, kills, and eats other animals:
lions, wolves, and other predators
5) Enzyme-noun/ˈen.zaɪm/- any of a group of chemical substances that are produced by living cells and cause particular chemical reactions to happen while not being changed themselves:
An enzyme in the saliva of the mouth starts the process of breaking down the food.