Level 1
This news is from the London Zoo. A monkey at the zoo is pregnant. After six months, her baby is born.
The baby is three weeks old now. It measures three inches (7.6 centimetres). It is always on its mother. Zookeepers cannot look at it closely. We don’t know yet if it’s a boy or a girl.
The monkeys have a special exhibit at the zoo. You can walk among the monkeys. There is nothing between you and the monkeys. They live in big groups. The zoo has a group of 20 monkeys. All of them help the baby.
Source: newsinlevels.com
1)Pregnant-adjective /ˈpreɡ.nənt/ – (of a woman and some female animals) having a baby or babies developing inside the womb:
She’s five and a half months pregnant.
My mother stopped smoking when she became pregnant.
He believes that men who get (= make) young girls pregnant should be severely punished.
My sister is pregnant with twins.
Faintness and morning sickness can be signs that you are pregnant.
Heavily pregnant by now, she lowered herself carefully into the chair.
Now six months pregnant, Gina’s belly had begun to swell.She thought she was pregnant, but it turned out to be a false alarm .
I was absolutely enormous when I was pregnant.
2) After-preposition /ˈæf.tɚ/-following in time, place, or order:
Let’s go for a walk after breakfast.
Some people believe in life after death.
Her name came after mine on the list.
There’s a good film on the day after tomorrow.
She waited until well after midnight.
US It’s a quarter after four.
She just keeps on working, day after day, week after week (= continuously).
We’ve had meeting after meeting (= many meetings) to discuss this point.
Jessie seemed very small after (= in comparison with) Michael’s children.
After (= despite) everything I’ve done for you, is this the way you treat me?
After (= because of) what she did to me, I’ll never trust her again.
The children have to learn to tidy up after themselves (= after they have made things untidy).
She slammed the door after (= behind) her.
We ran after (= followed) him, but he escaped.
Could you lock up after you (= when you leave), please?
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3) Born-verb /bɔːrn/-to come out of a mother’s body, and start to exist:
She was born in 1950.
Diana was born into an aristocratic family.
Ann was born and brought up in Delaware.
Their baby was born last December.
As soon as the baby is born he’ll start to take an interest in the world around him.
Soon after it was born, the calf got up and tried to stand on its shaky legs.
He was born in the small town of Castleford, in Yorkshire.
Their baby was born prematurely and weighed only one kilogram.
4) measure-to be a particular size:
The area, measuring/which measures five kilometres by three kilometres, has been purchased by the army.
The main bedroom measures 24 ft by 18 ft (24′ x 18′).
Engine speed can be measured in revolutions per minute (rpm).
The metre is the standard unit for measuring length in the SI system.
Measure all the dry ingredients into a large mixing bowl.
The screen measures 34 inches diagonally.
This stick is used for measuring the amount of oil in the engine – do you see the marks on it?
5) Always-adverb /ˈɑːl.weɪz/-every time or all the time:
It’s always cold in this room.
She always spells my name wrong.
6) Zookeeper-noun /ˈzuːˌkiː.pɚ/ – a person who works in a zoo, taking care of the animals
7) Cannot-modal verb /ˈkæn.ɑːt/- the negative form of the verb “can”:
I cannot predict what will happen next year.
The government cannot be seen to give in to terrorists‘ demands.
It feels terrible when your child is ill and you cannot help them.
Obviously the school cannot function without teachers.These plants cannot survive in very cold conditions.
Some sounds cannot be detected by the human ear.
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8) Closely-adverb /ˈkloʊs.li/-in a way that is directly connected or has a strong relationship:
English and German are closely related.
Both politicians have been closely associated with the movement for some time.
We are working closely with the police.
The euro has closely shadowed the dollar.
Because they worked so closely in the same department, John was tarred with the same brush as Tim.
He has been closely associated with the museum for many years.
She has been closely associated with racist organizations in the past.
We have remained closely in touch over the years.
9) Look-verb /lʊk/-to direct your eyes in order to see:
Look! There’s grandma.
They looked at the picture and laughed.
Look at all these toys on the floor.
She looked up from her book and smiled at me.
I looked out (of) the window.
Look over there – there’s a rainbow!
10) Yet-adverb /jet/- still; until the present time:
I haven’t spoken to her yet.
He hasn’t finished yet.
“Are you ready?” “Not yet – wait a minute.”
11) Exhibit-verb /ɪɡˈzɪb.ɪt/ – to show something publicly:
He frequently exhibits at the art gallery.
In the summer the academy will exhibit several prints that are rarely seen.
He exhibited great self-control considering her rudeness.
Most zoos try to exhibit animals in naturalistic settings.
The crown, decorated with diamonds and other precious stones, was exhibited in a special case.
The new wing of the museum had to be large enough to exhibit several huge dinosaur skeletons.
We have exhibited many of his works at our gallery in recent years.
One member of our pottery class is now exhibiting and selling her ceramics very successfully.
12) Among-preposition /əˈmʌŋ/- /əˈmʌŋst/-in the middle of or surrounded by other things:
I saw a few familiar faces among the crowd.
Rescue teams searched among the wreckage for survivors.
13) Nothing-pronoun /ˈnʌθ.ɪŋ/- not anything:
There’s nothing in the drawer – I took everything out.
Nothing I could say would cheer her up.
I have nothing new to tell you.
There’s nothing else (= no other thing) we can do to help.
There’s nothing much (= not very much) to do in our town.
The story was nothing but (= only) lies.
US The score is Yankees three, Red Sox nothing (= no points).
14) Between-preposition, adverb /bɪˈtwiːn/- in or into the space that separates two places, people, or objects:
The town lies halfway between Rome and Florence.
Standing between the two adults was a small child.
She squeezed between the parked cars and ran out into the road.
There were two houses with a narrow path in between.
On the train I was sitting between two very large men.
The plants have seeded themselves in the cracks between the paving stones.
There was a revolting green slime in between the bathroom tiles.
We watched a spider spin a web between three tall grass stems.
Our neighbours have no claim to that strip of land between our houses.
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Baby monkey-level 2
Baby monkey-level 2
The London Zoo has welcomed its newest arrival. The baby was born only three weeks ago. We don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl because the baby monkey is always on its mother.
The little thing currently measures only three inches (7.6 centimetres). It was born after a six-month gestation period. The mother and the baby are in the zoo’s ‘Meet the Monkeys’ exhibit. That means that you can actually walk among the monkeys – there are no barriers.
The monkeys live in large groups. The zoo has a group of 20. They all enjoy taking care of the baby.
Source: newsinlevels.com
1) Welcome-verb /ˈwel.kəm/- to be pleased about and encourage or support something:
The new appointment has been widely welcomed.
We welcome the government’s affirmation of its intention to act.
The peace initiative was welcomed by both sides.
They said they welcomed the trial as a chance to vindicate themselves.
This move towards improving childcare facilities has been widely welcomed.
He welcomes the opportunity to put forward his side of the story.
2) New-adjective /njuː/- recently created or having started to exist recently:
a new car
She’s very creative and always coming up with new ideas.
What have they decided to name the new baby?
What’s new in the fashion world?
We have to invest in new technology if we are to remain competitive.
3) Arrival-noun /əˈraɪ.vəl/-the fact of arriving somewhere:
Hundreds gathered to await the boxer’s arrival at the airport.
On arrival at the police station, they were taken to an interview room.
We regret the late arrival of Flight 237.
New arrivals (= people who have just come to a place) were being housed in refugee camps.
Sue and Michael are delighted to announce the arrival (= birth) of Emily, born on August 21 .
The arrival (= introduction) of satellite television changed the face of broadcasting.
4) Currently-adverb /ˈkʌr.ənt.li/- at the present time:
The Director is currently having talks in the U.S.
The device is currently available only in Japan.
Currently, about 82 billion pictures are printed each year.
The manufacturers are currently testing the new engine.
The England cricket team is currently on tour in Pakistan.Our social club currently has about 80 members
He currently holds the position of technical manager.
The interest rate on my credit card is currently 25.5% APR.
5) Measure-verb /ˈmeʒ.ər- to be a particular size:
The area, measuring/which measures five miles by three miles, has been purchased by the army.
The screen measures 34 inches diagonally.
Engine speed can be measured in revolutions per minute (rpm).
The main bedroom measures 24 ft by 18 ft (24′ x 18′).
The meter is the standard unit for measuring length in the SI system.
Measure all the dry ingredients into a large mixing bowl.
This stick is used for measuring the amount of oil in the engine – do you see the marks on it?
6) Gestation-noun /dʒesˈteɪ.ʃən/ – (the period of) the development of a child or young animal while it is still inside its mother’s body:
The baby was born prematurely at 28 weeks gestation.
The period of gestation of rats is 21 days.
7) Exhibit-verb /ɪɡˈzɪb.ɪt/- to show something publicly:
He frequently exhibits at the art gallery.
In the summer the academy will exhibit several prints that are rarely seen.
He exhibited great self-control considering her rudeness.
3) Means-noun /miːnz/- a method or way of doing something:
They had no means of communication.
We need to find some other means of transportation.
We need to use every means at our disposal.
She tried to explain by means of sign language.
There is no means of tracing the debt at all.
The family had no means of support (= way of getting money).
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Baby monkey-level 3
Baby monkey-level 3
London Zoo has welcomed its newest and tiniest arrival, and if you look hard enough you might just be able to see it.
This adorable minuscule monkey has been spotted snoozing in the summer heat wave.
The black-cap squirrel monkey baby was born in the middle of the night just under three weeks ago, with zookeepers discovering the tiny bundle clinging tightly on to its mum during their morning rounds.
The little thing, which currently measures just three inches tall (7.6 centimetres), was born after a six-month gestation period in the zoo’s Meet the Monkeys exhibit, where there are no barriers between visitors and the animals.
The monkey baby hasn’t yet left the comfort of its mum’s back for zoo staff to tell if it’s a boy or girl, but it is said to be doing well.
Squirrel monkeys live in large troops and the zoo now has a group of 20 who are all enjoying fussing over the baby.
Source: newsinlevels.com
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