English stories for beginners pdf

Once upon a time there was a clever monkey who lived by the river Ganga. A crocodile and his wife lived in the same river. One day, the crocodile’s wife fell very ill. She wanted to eat something special. She asked her husband to get her a monkey’s heart. The crocodile did not know what to do. Then he thought of his neighbour, the monkey.

He said, “Friend Monkey, why do you waste your time eating the fruits of this tree? There are juicy fruits on the other side of the river.”

When the monkey said that the river was too big for him to cross, the crocodile offered to take him on his back. After a while, the crocodile sank in the water along with the monkey. He told the monkey that his wife was sick and wanted his heart.

English stories for beginners pdf

The monkey realised that he had been foolish to trust the crocodile. He quickly thought of a clever plan to escape. He said, “Alas friend! Our hearts are not inside us. We have to keep them hanging on trees. I wish you had told me earlier. Let’s go back and bring my heart.” The crocodile believed the monkey and brought him back to the tree.

The monkey at once climbed up the tree and escaped. He said to the crocodile, “You have a big body but no brains!” The crocodile had nothing to do but repent for his foolishness on being tricked by the monkey.

Next Story: The Bunny Family

English stories for beginners pdf

Source:  Shortstoriesshort.com

English stories for beginners pdf

Vocabulary in Russian , SpanishGermanChinese and Arabic

English Pronunciation Russian Spanish
clever [‘klevə] умный inteligente
crocodile [‘krɔkədaɪl] крокодил cocodrilo
special [‘speʃ(ə)l] особый especial
heart [hɑːt] сердце corazón
Think (thought) [θɪŋk] думать pensar
neighbour [‘neɪbə] сосед vecino
waste [weɪst] отходы residuos
cross [krɔs] пересекать cruzar
offer [‘ɔfə] предлагать ofrecer
sink  [sɪŋk] тонуть hundir
realize [‘rɪəlaɪz] осуществлять realizar
foolish [‘fuːlɪʃ] глупый tonto
trust [trʌst] вера confiar
quietly [‘kwaɪətlɪ] спокойно tranquilamente
escape [ɪs’keɪp ] бежать escapar

English stories for beginners pdf

Vocabulary in Russian , SpanishGermanChinese and Arabic

English Pronunciation German Chinese Arabic  
clever [‘klevə] klug 聰明 ذكي
crocodile [‘krɔkədaɪl] Krokodil 鱷魚 تمساح
special [‘speʃ(ə)l] Besondere 特殊 خاص
heart [hɑːt] Herz قلب
Think (thought) [θɪŋk] Denken 認為 يفكر
neighbour [‘neɪbə] Nachbar 鄰居 الجيران
waste [weɪst] Abfall 浪費 المخلفات
cross [krɔs] überqueren 交叉 تعبر
offer [‘ɔfə] bieten 提供 عرض
sink  [sɪŋk] sinken 下沉 غرق
realize [‘rɪəlaɪz] realisieren 實現 تدرك
foolish [‘fuːlɪʃ] dumm 愚蠢的 أحمق
trust [trʌst] Vertrauen 信任 ثقة
quietly [‘kwaɪətlɪ] ruhig 悄悄 بهدوء
escape [ɪs’keɪp ] entkommen 逃逸 فرار

Next Story: The Bunny Family

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