stories for beginners pdf

Once upon a time there lived a Papa and Mama Bunny. They had four children-Angora, Harlequin, Lilac and little Rex. Papa Bunny loved working in his vegetable garden and grew all kinds of vegetables.

One day, Papa Bunny went home for lunch. Angora hugged him. “Papa, did you bring a cabbage for me?” Papa smiled and nodded and gave her a cabbage with a kiss. Then Harlequin demanded.” Can I have some lettuce?” Papa nodded and gave Harlequin lettuce. Next, Lilac demanded eggplant and Papa gave her eggplant. And little Rex got his radish too. Then Papa Bunny gave Mama Bunny a basket of vegetables.

The bunny family happily chomped vegetables. Papa and Mama Bunny looked on contentedly at the little bunnies. Mama said,” Thank God, we have a vegetable garden!”

Next Story: The Turtle and the Monkey

stories for beginners pdf


Vocabulary in Russian , SpanishGerman, Chinese and Arabic

English Pronunciation Russian Spanish
bunny [‘bʌnɪ]  кролик conejito
grow [grəu] произрастать crecer
hug [hʌg] крепко обнимать abrazar
bring [brɪŋ]  приносить traer
cabbage  [‘kæbɪʤ] капуста repollo
smile  [smaɪl] улыбаться sonreír
nod [nɔd] кивнуть головой cabecear
demand  [dɪ’mɑːnd] требовать pedir
lettuce [‘letɪs] салат-латук lechuga
eggplant  [‘egplɑːnt]  баклажан berenjena
radish  [‘rædɪʃ]  редис rábano
contentedly contentedly довольно contentamente

Vocabulary in  German, Chinese and Arabic

English Pronunciation German Chinese Arabic  
bunny [‘bʌnɪ] Hase 兔子 أرنب
grow [grəu] wachsen 增長 تنمو
hug [hʌg] umarmen 擁抱 عناق
bring [brɪŋ] bringen 帶來 جلب
cabbage  [‘kæbɪʤ] Kohl 捲心菜 ملفوف
smile  [smaɪl] lächeln 微笑 ابتسم
nod [nɔd] nicken 點頭 نكس رأسه
demand  [dɪ’mɑːnd] verlangen 需求 طلب
lettuce [‘letɪs] Grüner Salat 生菜 الخس
eggplant  [‘egplɑːnt] Aubergine 茄子 باذنجان
radish  [‘rædɪʃ] Rettich 蘿蔔 فجل
contentedly contentedly zufrieden 滿足地 باقتناع

Next Story: The Turtle and the Monkey

Stories for beginners pdf

The Fir-Tree and the Bramble

There lived a hunter in a village with his family. He also had a pet dog that was very faithful. One day, the hunter had to leave the house for one day, so he went to the city with his wife. He left his son with his faithful dog. That night, a wolf came into the house and attacked the baby. On seeing this, the faithful dog pounced over the wolf and fought with him. After a long fight, the dog killed the wolf.

The next morning, the hunter and his wife returned from the city. The dog was waiting outside for his master. When he saw his master, he licked its feet. The hunter saw the stains of blood on the dog’s mouth. He thought that the dog had killed his son. He became very angry and killed the dog with his gun. Then he rushed inside to have a look at the baby. When he found his son safe inside him, he wept bitterly.

The Fox and the Lion.

      A Fir-tree was boasting to a Bramble, and said, somewhat contemptuously, “You poor creature, you are of no use whatever. Now, look at me: I am useful for all sorts of things, particularly when men build houses; they can’t do without me then.” But the Bramble replied, “Ah, that’s all very well: but you wait till they come with axes and saws to cut you down, and then you’ll wish you were a Bramble and not a Fir.”

Better poverty without a care than wealth with its many obligations.

The Gnat and the Lion

  A Gnat once went up to a Lion and said, “I am not in the least afraid of you: I don’t even allow that you are a match for me in strength. What does your strength amount to after all? That you can scratch with your claws and bite with your teeth—just like a woman in a temper—and nothing more.

But I’m stronger than you: if you don’t believe it, let us fight and see.” So saying, the Gnat sounded his horn, and darted in and bit the Lion on the nose. When the Lion felt the sting, in his haste to crush him he scratched his nose badly, and made it bleed, but failed altogether to hurt the Gnat, which buzzed off in triumph, elated by its victory.

Presently, however, it got entangled in a spider’s web, and was caught and eaten by the spider, thus falling a prey to an insignificant insect after having triumphed over the King of the Beasts.

Next Story: The Turtle and the Monkey

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